west coast tour day one

Denton, TX > Las Cruces, NM:

I’m on tour with Robert Gomez for the next ten days… will be posting little nuggets here, on the World Wide Web. But not yet, because it’s time to go eat…

Update: we ate. It was good. Here are a few things I’ve learned on the first day of Robert Gomez’ West Coast Tour of Two-Thousand Nine:

  • Robert and Rahul are not fans of Phil Collins – at all. This disappoints me, if only a little… but, as a wise man once said, ‘You can’t hurry love…’
  • West Texas is really, really pretty – though it’s a different kind of pretty than East Texas… apples and oranges. Pretty ones.
  • ‘Residual Organ’ would make an awesome (as in, awesomely horrible) band name. I can’t remember how this one came about, because my memory is, um, awful.

That’s about all I learned today, because I was catching up on much-needed sleep almost the entire drive… we are now in Las Cruces and will head to Palm Desert tomorrow. L.A. show is Saturday, the first of four along the coast with The Theater Fire and Trespassers William


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